First Weeks With A Newborn

My Favorite Memories, The Unexpected, The Hard, The Easy and What I’ve Learned

Dallas is now 8 weeks old and I can hardly believe it - it feels like just yesterday we were taking him home from the hospital!! These past weeks with him have been filled with so many highs and lows….they have been 8 beautiful weeks but also so exhausting and overwhelming - new parent life is no joke -  but I can honestly say they have been some of the best weeks of my life. I’ve been soaking in every moment, and it has really allowed me to reflect on these couple months of motherhood. So today I thought I would give you all a little update on what life as a new mom has been like - my favorite moments with Dallas, what I didn’t expect, the hard parts, the easy parts and what I have learned. Let’s get into it!! 

Favorite Moments: 

  • Bringing Dallas home from the hospital - This is a night that I will remember and cherish forever. It was so special being able to bring Dallas back to our new home, knowing that this is the home we are starting our family in and will continue to grow it in forever.

  • His first smile - All I can say is there is literally no better feeling than seeing your baby smile back at you. 

  • When he started to like the bath - It took a little bit for him to like bath time, but once we got it figured out he was so chill and it became such a special moment with him. 

  • Watching Steve be with him - You don’t realize how much seeing your partner be a parent makes your love for them grow even stronger. Steve is the absolute best dad and I feel so lucky to have him as a partner in parenthood. 

  • Dallas falling asleep and napping on my chest all day - I just want to be by him 24/7. I know these days will go by too fast so I'm just soaking in every moment that he wants to sleep on mama. 

  • Laughing with Steve about the funny things Dallas does - He is starting to develop the cutest little personality and he makes the funniest faces. 

  • Figuring out how to do all the “firsts” - There’s so many “firsts” as a new parent, like breastfeeding in public, taking him to restaurants, dressing him, changing him, etc. Motherhood is no joke and getting those tiny wins feels so good. 

What I Didn’t Expect 

  • How much love I have for Dallas that continues to grow even more each day. I didn’t know it was possible to love this hard. 

  • Not wanting to do anything but be around him and take care of him (I truly have no interest in anything else at the moment lol). I have always been such a go-go-go person, so I thought I would be eager to get back into work and life things after birth, but all I want to do is just sit and be with Dallas all day every day. 

  • How much I learn - I feel like I’m learning something new about being a mom every single day! 

  • I knew being a parent was a full time gig, but man…moms do NOT get enough credit. It is HARD WORK (and you guys know I’m a workaholic). 

  • The beginning of postpartum and breastfeeding. This was a challenging journey I was not prepared for at all and it really took a toll on me. You can read  my postpartum experience blog to hear more about that. 

  • The strong connection between Dallas and I - I feel like we understand each other on a deeper level. 

What Has Been Easier and Harder Than Expected: 


  • Baby wearing - Once I learned that Dallas will sleep for hourssss on me, things got WAY easier because before then, the little man just refused to sleep lol. 

  • How convenient breastfeeding is in public vs. giving a bottle like I thought it would be. It’s so nice to just be able to put a little cover over him and just feed him.

  • Sleeping through the night - He started sleeping 7-8 hours a night starting week 7 and it has been incredible. It’s not every night, but I was so so surprised at how fast we were able to make that happen. 

  • Starting a breastmilk stash. I have found that using the Haakaa on each boob during every feeding has helped me create quite the build up of milk in the freezer - it really adds up by the end of the day! I did try pumping, but he eats so frequently right now that by the time I was done pumping, I had nothing left to give him so I would end up having to give him what I just pumped. 


  • Getting a chance to shower in the morning - Being a mom is a FULL TIME job and I was surprised how hard it can be to find time in the morning to get ready and shower (especially when Steve has already started work). 

  • The lack of a routine in the day - The days are super unpredictable and I am a big planner so it is hard not knowing what kind of mood Dallas will be in that day and how that will impact my plans. 

  • Finding time to do a simple task for work - When I didn’t have a baby I obviously had plenty of time to get work done in the day, but nowadays that same task might take hours to complete depending on what kind of care Dal needs. 

  • Postpartum recovery - It all really can take a HUGE toll on your body and mind (pelvic floor, infection, hormones, etc.), so you have to be extra cognizant of taking care of yourself. And give yourself grace!! 

  • Leaving the house - It get’s easier and easier each time, but it’s quite the process and can be very chaotic. You really have to plan plan plan! 

  • Getting less sleep has probably been the hardest part of this journey. Ya girl loves her sleep and I have had to learn to adjust to a lot less of it hehe. 

What I’ve Learned 

Learning how to care for your firstborn for the first time is a wild ride!! There are soooo many things you learn on a daily basis. For instance, how long he needs to feed, learning his different crying cues, how to bathe him, how to dress him, how to get him to sleep, how long his sleep should be, how to increase milk supply, how to get from point A to point B…the list goes on and on! But there are also so many things on a deeper level that Dallas has already taught me. Like patience, unconditional love, learning to slow down, finding the most joy in the little things, and teaching me how to become an even better ME for him. I truly feel blessed everyday and am so happy to bring you all along the ride!! 

Love you, have an amazing week! <3



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